UPDATE - 23 March 2022
What a buzz getting to host William Waiirua at the museum today, simply tu meke!! William was awesome and we had a great chat as I showed him around the museum. Check out the video below of what aired earlier this morning.
Want some behind the scenes footage? Wiiliam and I having a bit of a waiata, so much fun!!
Make sure you check out William's Instagram Stories here and give them a big thumbs up and give William a follow!!
Catch me tomorrow morning, 23rd March, on New Zealand breakfast TV. I'll be on the AM show being interviewed by their new roving weather man William Waiirua. William is in the Taranaki region and will be swinging by the Elvis Museum for a bit of a look-see.
Providing things don't change, the show will be crossing to William, at the museum, at 7:35am and again at 8:05am, just after the news break.
You can catch it live on TV Three in New Zealand, streaming live on the internet at https://www.threenow.co.nz/live-tv-guide/three or you can download the app here if you want to catch it on the go.
If they later put it online as part of their On Demand videos, I'll update this post with a link to that and if I have a copy of it I'll add it to the post.
The weather has been pretty wacky here lately with flooding and some intense electrical storms in various parts of the country. Hopefully I don't make it too much wackier when they cross to us tomorrow morning!
Wish me luck!! ;-)